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Addressing the potential risks of extended-term care expenses may be one of the biggest financial challenges for individuals who are developing a retirement strategy.

Seven in ten people over age 65 can expect to need extended care services at some point in their lives. So understanding the various types of extended care services – and what those services may cost – is critical as you consider your retirement approach.1


长期护理不是一项单一的活动. It refers to a variety of medical and non–medical services needed by those who have a chronic illness or disability – most commonly associated with aging.

Extended care can include everything from assistance with activities of daily living – help dressing, 洗澡, 上厕所, or even driving to the store – to more intensive therapeutic and medical care requiring the services of skilled medical personnel.

可以在家中提供长期护理, 在社区中心, 在辅助生活设施中, 或者在专业的养老院. And extended care is not exclusively for the elderly; it is possible to need extended care at any age.


Extended care costs vary state by state and region by region. The 2023 national average for care in a skilled care facility (single occupancy in a nursing home) was $115,一年007次. The national average for care in an assisted living center (single occupancy) was $54,289 a year. 家庭健康助理的平均费用为28美元.64 per hour, but that rate may increase when a licensed nurse is required.1


Often, extended care is provided by family and friends. Providing care can be a burden, however, and the need for assistance tends to increase with age.2

Individuals who would rather not burden their family and friends have two main choices for covering the cost of extended care: they can choose to self-insure or they can purchase extended care insurance.

Many self-insure by default – simply because they haven't made other arrangements. Those who self-insure may depend on personal savings and investments to fund any extended care needs. The other approach is to consider purchasing extended care insurance, 哪些可以覆盖所有级别的护理, from skilled care to custodial care to in-home assistance.

When it comes to addressing your extended care needs, many look to select a strategy that may help them protect assets, 保持尊严, 保持独立性. If those concepts are important to you, consider your approach to extended care.

1. 盖恩.com, 2023

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